
Episode 107 June 07, 2023 00:28:33
The Far Middle

Jun 07 2023 | 00:28:33


Show Notes

The Far Middle episode 107 arrives two days following the birthday of the late NFL-great Art Donovan, this Far Middle’s featured dedication. Nick describes the Hall of Fame defensive lineman, aka “the Bulldog,” as an intimidator who played in an era when rough and tough was the official code of professional football. Donovan was part of the Baltimore Colts’ “Magnificent Seven,” who in addition to quarterback Johnny Unitas included Gino Marchetti—Far Middle episode 89’s sports dedication.  

After reflecting on Donovan’s military service, football career, and larger-than-life personality, Nick offers yet another example of how climate change is no longer about science, and how it has morphed into a religion that is proffered to explain the unpredictable and the complex. The latest example comes from meteorologists suggesting climate change is increasing turbulence during air travel. 

Continuing to examine the Church of Climate’s playbook, Nick connects the dots from energy inflation stoking general inflation to what’s occurring in Europe where the “experts” and central banks blame business and capitalism for the continent’s inflation turbulence. Nick goes on to offer three economic truths “that have been around as long as there have been economies…and which have been buried and obfuscated by the Left.” 

Next, Nick addresses student proficiency in civics and history, specifically eighth grade test scores in U.S. history and civics, which fell to their lowest level on record in 2022. “Our society is devolving, from one where logic and rational thought and science and meritocracy prevailed to the benefit of all, into one where mysticism and control of the individual are the new orders of the day,” says Nick. He goes on to offer an example of that state control of the individual, this time from Switzerland where it’s now, “no beef for you!” 

Staying on global themes, Nick addresses the topic of fairness and equity—delving into the idea of the developing world being compensated by Western developed nations for their historic use of energy and associated emissions. Nick calls this a zero-sum game when it comes to value appropriation, even when done under the banner of fairness or equity. 

“Notions of fairness, climate changing over millions of years, the mysticism of the left, these issues all roll into something I've been mulling for quite some time,” says Nick as he proceeds to explore some “deep thoughts from a simple mind,” looking back on mankind’s 300,000-year history and a few things that haven’t changed. “Where we are today is insignificant in the big schemes of time and history and the human story. Our differences that we have with one another, they're mostly superficial and largely insignificant. But you are unique and what you do will never be done again. So, make the most of it and take nothing for granted and leave nothing on the field.”

In closing, Nick pays tribute to the great Canadian singer-songwriter Gordon Lightfoot who passed away last month. Give a listen to hear Nick’s favorite Lightfoot songs, and check out the documentary, “If You Could Read My Mind.”

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